
Hello! This is my version of the video tag for the Stay Home Reading Rush 2020. I do not have a YouTube Channel, nor the know-how to set one up. But I do have this rusty old blog. I figure I know enough about this software, and I know how to write, so I might as well kickstart it again!

You are almost definitely new here, so, first some introductions. My name is Beth, I am 20 years old and currently a student of English Literature at the University of Birmingham. I am a hesitant fiction writer, and an even more hesitant blogger. Maybe one day will see a more confident combination of those two things. Only time will tell. I have an instagram, or bookstagram, for this blog, @awordaboutwords, so if pictures of books are your thing, check that out.

But anyway, onto the tag:

How is your reading going while staying at home?
Honestly? It hasn't been great. Until about a week ago, I was only reading my books for uni, and I was reading them slowly. But, I eventually went back and finished Prisoner of Azkaban -- which I had been reading for about three months -- and felt a great sense of achievement. after that, I picked up Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo off of my Reading Rush TBR pile and decided to cheat and get ahead, except that hasn't worked out, because now I'm halfway through and will definitely finish it before TRR begins!

Where have you been reading at home?
In my corner of England we were blessed with a week of glorious warmth and sunshine, so I've been lucky enough to be able to sit out in my garden and read.

Best book you've read during isolation?
Even though I haven't finished it, it's definitely got to be Ninth House. Excellent!

What's your favourite feel good book?
It's another one off of my Reading Rush TBR pile, and it's Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Cather Avery is just the most relatable character and Rowell's love stories are so warm and lovely.

Book you wish you could buy or borrow from the library?
I keep seeing My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh pop up on my instagram feed, and I know Ariel recommended it a while back, but I have absolutely know idea what it's about. I just know it has a great title and a great cover, and I really want it on my bookshelf.

Author you want to shout out during this time?
It's going to have to be Rainbow Rowell. I know she is busy writing the third Simon Snow book, and she has just announced that Fangirl is getting adapted into a graphic novel. Just the knowledge of these two things are enough to keep me going during this quarantine!

What is your Reading Rush TBR?
Read a book with a house on the cover: This was going to be Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo, but I might have finished that before TRR starts, so, for now, this is still TBD.

Read a book that will make you smile and Read a book in the same room the whole time: This is going to be Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, read in the comfort of my bedroom.

Read a book set somewhere you wish you could go: This one is a bit of stretch, but I need to read it for my course, so...It's The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. I just wish I could time travel!

So, there we have it. Thanks for reading!
